ブックサイズ 天地200×左右190×厚さ4mm、32ページ
企画制作 赤井都、発行 言壺 2016
本体価格 1500円
表紙 ファーストヴィンテージ四六135kgスカーレットに、活版印刷(樹脂版の青~赤色グラデーション、24pt鉛活字の銀色印刷)
ジャケット 石巻の紙モンテシオン81.5kgにカラーオフセット印刷(Graphic)
扉 少年漫画の紙に、茶色で孔版印刷(Edit Net Printeq)
本文 石巻の紙モンテシオン81.5kgと上質135kgにカラーオフセット印刷(Graphic)、再生上質紙110kgと135kgに孔版印刷(Edit Net Printeq)
Book Art in 48mm Capsule
Japan, Kototsubo, 2016, Hand sewn
Book Size H200×W190×D4mm, 32 pages. printed by offset, letterpress and silkscreen.
Bound by Miyako Akai. Book in Japanese. 2 pages in English written by Tiana
Mamehon means miniature book in Japanese. Gachapon is a kid’s machine like a gumball machine. When you put one coin and turn the knob, one capsule come out. Inside the capsule, a toy is in. There are many kinds of toys in the capsules. You can’t choose, but the machine chooses the one and put out. We enjoy it like a fortune cookie. Or you can try again if you have more coins. In Japan, Gachapon is popular amusement for kids and teenager. For adults, it is a nostalgic thing.
We put miniature books in capsules 10 years. We went to 12 places in Tokyo, Atsugi and Kyoto. We got 2 independent branches in Fukuoka and Hong Kong. We, Mamehon -Gachapon Tokyo sold 18300 copies in capsules. 23 artists joined the project. 20 media picked up us. Always the capsules were sold out. 1 capsule is 100 Japanese yen (about 1 USD).
This book is a catalog of miniature books in capsules for 10 years.
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