本サイズ 天地50mm左右50mm 24ページ(うちポップアップ見開き2ページ)
文 赤井都
英訳編集 ラリー・サイドマン
印刷 中野活版印刷店 発行 言壺2019 製本2022
"Beautiful Book" with leather cover box.
Open widen easily.
Leather cover with gild and mosaic.
End paper with yarn.
A book about beauty. The pentagon shape contains the golden ratio in it. There are traditional patterns using pentagon. Harmony, change and repetition also produce beauty. They are also in the beauty of books, the beauty of nature.
Book Size 50mm(2inchs), 24 pages include 2 pop-ups
Written by Miyako Akai
English edited by Larry Seidman
Printed by Nakano Letter Press
Pubrished by Kototsubo, 2019 Bound in 2022
22 copies limited
*The winner of the Miniature Book Society 2022 competition is a special edition of A Beautiful Book, which has sold out.